This article is partially fandom. It is considered canon to the main Ice Age series. |
Ice Age Th4w is the rumored fourth sequel in the Ice Age series. No official announcement of the production of this movie has been made yet. Though it is widely believed to be some time in 2012. There have been many variations of the name, but all keeping with the same theme. Ice Age Th4w, Ice Age: The Th4w, Ice Age Thaw, Ice Age: The Th4w, Ice Age 4 have all been thrown out there. It has been announced by an AINC website that the fourth Ice Age will be released in the summer of 2012.
Chapter 1: The Avalanche[]
Warning this story contains mild violence and blood
The song “Walk the Dinosaur” is playing and a zoom of Snow Valley is shown. Sid is sleeping when he hears several roars, then he wakes up and says, “What?” Then he sees, Momma fighting Rudy, then Buck is up on a cliff and yells, down to Sid, “Don’t Move!” Then he slips and slides down the hill, triggering an avalanche. 20,000 years later Manny, Sid, Diego, Ellie, Crash, Eddie, Buck, Momma, Rudy, Peaches, Scratte, Scrat, Egbert, Yoko, Shelly and two guanlongs
are frozen in ice, and the security guard accidently turns the heat up, before he turns the lights off. They all thaw out except for the guanlongs and Rudy, Sid tries
to open the door and he trips over something, which makes a loud bang, and Sid yells, “Owwww!” Then Manny says, “Come on Sid, Be Quiet.” Then Buck yells, “Everybody hide!” Manny, Ellie, Peaches and Buck hide behind Momma, who sits down and holds still. Scratte, Scrat, Sid and Sylvia hide behind a cupboard
and the others hide in the vases in the room. The security guard walks in and says, “Hey! Who’s messing around in here?”, he dosen’t see anything out of order,
So he walks out of the room and leaves the key in there. Buck find the key, and he says, “I think I can get the door open.” Then he sticks the key in the door, it opens and he says, “Yes! Got It!” Then Buck and Scratte (who lost an eye to a guanlong, and has an eyepatch like Buck), heads down the hallway to see if the
guard is gone, then Buck sees he’s gone and yells, “Come on guys, He’s gone, You can come out now.” Then the others come out, but the hide, when the
guanlongs and Rudy walk past them, luckily them weren’t noticed. Sid says, “That was close, they must have thawed out too.” Then they follow Rudy and the
guanlongs, they find the exit. Outside of it, they see a sign that says, “Head down to the beach, to get away from it all.” Then they walk for a few hours, then they
finally find the beach, after Sid accidently falls down the cliff. Manny says, “Go going Sid, thanks to you we found the beach.” Then Sid says, “Yeah, and I also
found a headache too.” Then they decide to spend the night in the cave, in the cave Sylvia asks, “Buck, how’d we end up here anyway?” Then Buck says, “I was
up on the cliff, and I was about to swing down, but the guanlongs attacked me and I fell down, triggering the avalanche.” Then they fall asleep and the next day,
Buck is woken up by Sid who says, “Buck, we have visitors.” Then him and Scratte follow Sid and they gasp when they see tons of people on the beach, Buck
says, “Sid, this is bad, if the guanlongs and Rudy come back, those people will be in trouble.” So Buck grabs a piece of cloth and a black rock, and he writes,
“Get these people out of here, there are dangerous animals loose on the beach somewhere.” Then Buck takes it and runs over to the lifeguard and gives it to him,
then he gets on his megaphone and says, “Okay, we have to evacuate the beach, due to a group of dangerous animals on the loose.” Then the people start to
gather their stuff up and they leave the beach. Then Rudy and the guanlongs run over the hill, then Buck and the lifeguard run into the back of the cave, where
Rudy can’t reach them. Then the life guard says, “Good thing you gave me that note or those dinosaurs would have injured or killed alot of people out there.”
Then Buck says, “Yeah, I agree.” Then Buck follows the lifeguard to his truck, to make sure he’s dosen’t get attacked. He drives away in his truck, then Buck
gives Scratte the lychees and Spore Launcher and a knife pouch, that he had in a bag. Then Buck says, “Scratte and I along with Diego, will keep watch for
the guanlongs.” Then Diego says, “What! Why me?” Then Buck says, “Becuase you can see in the dark better than any of us, that’s why.” Then Diego says,
“Fine.” Later that night, the guanlongs look over at the cave, but they stay away, when they see Buck, Scratte and Diego guarding the cave. The guanlongs run
off into the darkness along with Rudy and they stay away for the rest of the night. The next morning Buck tells Shelly, “Shelly, go wake Sid up, he has been
asleep all morning.” Then she heads over to Sid and she jumps on Sid’s belly and he wakes up and yells, “Shelly, what are you doing?” Then he gets up, when
Buck tells him, “I told her to do that, you’ve been asleep most of the morning.” Scratte and Buck go searching for food, and they head down to the ocean and
they jump in to the water and a few minutes later, they return to the cave and they pour out of their bag fifteen fish, Buck begins to scale the fish, then about a
half hour later when they are eating Buck says, “I’ve never eaten anything as good as this, we only had piranhas in the dino-world and they were hard to catch
without getting bit.” Then he continues eating, the guanlongs come to the entrance of the cave, smelling the fish, but Diego runs at them and they run out of the
cave, then Diego comes back in and he finishes the last of his fish. Sid walks over to Sylvia and asks her, “How’d you like the fish baby?” Then she says, “I
loved ‘Em.” Sid, starts a fire to warm up the cave, cause Sylvia and Peaches said, “Sid it’s starting to get a little cold in here, can you start a fire for us.” A few
minutes Scratte and Shelly are out on the beach catching some rays and relaxing. Buck comes over and joking around a he takes sand and covers Scratte up to
her neck with it. When she wakes up she throws a lychee at him, he gets the juice from it all over him, then says, “Why’d you do that?” Then Shelly says,
“Becuase you burried her in the sand.” Then Scratte and Shelly both start laughing at Buck, who goes over to the ocean to wash the berry juice off of him. Late
at night, Buck, Diego and Sid are standing, but after a few minutes, Sid, of course, falls asleep and Diego hits him and he gets up and stands guard again. One of
the guanlongs comes close to the cave, but Diego growls at it and Buck throws a lychee at it, then it runs off with the other one. Buck asks, “Why do those
guanlongs keep coming back to our cave, can’t they just leave us alone?” Then in the morning, the find out the guanlongs were in the cave, and they had eaten
some of the fish. Buck says, “Great. They ate the fish, that took us so long to find, we’re going have to find a way to keep them out at night, and a way we can
all get some sleep. Even I need to get sleep sometimes and I’m a weasel!” Scratte, who is very tired is laying out on the beach, she falls asleep soon and Shelly
walks over and joins her. Meanwhile Buck, Diego and Manny are coming up with a way to keep the guanlongs out of the cave at night and Manny says, “We
could push a boulder over the entrance of the cave at night, so we can all sleep.” Then Diego says, “That’s actually a good idea, the guanlongs won’t get in the
cave if it’s blocked.” Scratte and Shelly are swimming in the water, and they have to dive under the water when the guanlongs walk by, they come back up and
the guanlongs are gone then Shelly says, “I though the guanlongs only come out at night, that’s bad if they start coming out during the day.” Scratte and Shelly run
into the cave and Shelly tells Buck, “We just saw the guanlongs, they went over the cliff and we heard Rudy roaring.” Buck says, “Yeah, we heard him too. He
has to be right above the cave.” Peaches asks, “How come Rudy doesn’t kill the guanlongs? I mean they follow him around like they’re friends.” Shelly tells
Buck, “We caught several more fish when we were swimming, here Buck.” Then he starts to scale the fish, then he puts them back into the bag, for later. A few
hours later the Baby Dinos get hungry, so Buck gives them a few slices, and they say, “Thank You, Buck.” Then they start to eat the fish and at night, they pull
the rock across they cave entrance and they go to sleep, including the usual guards, Buck, Scratte and Diego, Scrat comes over and decides to sleep with Buck
and Scratte. Peaches, Ellie and Manny fall asleep last because they hear the guanlongs outside the cave clawing against the rock, Peaches says, “Go away you
stupid guanlongs”, then she falls asleep. The next morning Manny and Ellie wake to move the rock out of the way, and surprisingly the guanlongs are standing
there for once, the Buck walks up and says, “What, no guanlongs to today? They must have got the message, we didn’t want them in our cave.” After the others
wake up, they head outside where Scratte lays out on the beach with Shelly, Buck and Diego keep watch around them for the guanlongs. The fire in the cave went
out, so Sid goes to gather fire wood for the fire and when he gets some wood, he looks and sees the guanlongs, down below Manny and Diego hear Sid
screaming and they head up to the cliff and they see Sid up in a tree, Diego roars at the guanlongs, then chases them away. Sid comes down and picks up the
fire wood, and he takes it back to the cave. He starts the fire and Manny walks in and asks, “Are you okay Sid?” Then Sid says, “Fine.” They come out of the
cave and Buck is covered in lychee juice again, becuase he tried burying Scratte in the sand again. The others are all laughing at Buck, and Peaches says, “Maybe
you should stop trying to burry squirrels, you’ll always get in trouble. He goes into the water and washes the juice off, again. Scrat is running around the beach
looking for an acorn (or a coconut), he looks up and sees a coconut tree, him and Scratte run up the tree and they pull on the coconut, it falls loose from the
tree, it falls down into Shelly’s arms, she runs away with, Scrat jumps down and chases after her, while Scratte is laughing from up in the tree. After chasing
Shelly for a while, Scrat finally gets the coconut back and he takes it back to the tree, Buck comes over, he splits it open, then Scrat and Scratte starting eating
it. Buck, Scratte and Shelly decide togo and catch more fish, they head out in the ocean and when they come back, they have caught ten fish each, in their bags,
while Buck scales them, then Scrat and Scratte run up into the coconut tree, for some “alone time.” After Buck has all the fish scaled, he puts them into the bag, then Scrat and Scratte walk into the cave, tired looking. Buck dosen’t ask what they did, becuase he can probaly figure out what they had done. Late at
night, Sid is rubbing Sylvia’s belly because he knows she pregnant with their kids, but the others don’t know that. The next day the baby dinos run out of the cave
to play for a while, then Egbert says, “What to play ball with a coconut?” Scrat runs up the tree and knocks the coconut down, then Egbert, Yoko and Shelly
start kicking the ball around, when they hear a roar, and they all run back into the cave. Peaches asks, “Was that Rudy?” Then Buck says, “That’s Rudy alright.
Only he has a roar like that.” They push the rock across the entrance, blocking, then Sid wakes up and says, “Buck, what’s going on?” Then Buck says, “The
guanlongs and Rudy are outside the cave, trying to get in.” After a few minutes the guanlongs get bored and they go away with Rudy. They move the rock out
of the way and they head outside, where the guanlongs are gone. Scratte is tired of being in the cave and she goes outside to sleep on the beach for a while,
then all the others come outside and the baby dinos join Scratte sleeping on the beach. Later that night, Buck is starting to get worried that one of the gang is
going to die, then he heads over to Manny and tells him, “I have a feeling that one of us is going to get killed by the guanlongs or Rudy.” Then says, “Don’t
worry, as long as we are in the cave, we’ll be fine.” Then they fall asleep, and the next day Scratte is out on the beach getting a tan, and Scrat is trying to get
another coconut for the baby dinos, because the other one had gone in the ocean. Scrat falls out of the tree, the coconut falls on his head and the baby dinos
start laughing at him, then they start playing ball. Buck hears a loud roar and he yells, “Okay, everybody get back in the cave, now!” Then they run into the cave
and Rudy steps down on the rock, crushing it. They head into the back of the cave, so the guanlongs can’t see them. They don’t come into the cave, they just
walk past the cave and follow Rudy over to their own cave. Then Sid says, “So that’s where they have been hiding, they have their own cave, that’s why we
never saw them all day.” So they head back out, Scratte and Shelly go outside and fall asleep on the beach, again. Buck and Diego are watching them and
Egbert and Yoko playing ball with the coconut. Later at night, a guanlong sneaks past Buck, Manny and Diego, it just stands over Sid, watching him. He wakes
up and he screams...
Chapter 2: The Accident at the Beach[]
Manny, Diego and Buck come running in and they see the guanlong biting into Sid’s belly, Buck pulls out his knife and he throws it into the guanlong’s leg, then
Manny hits it and it flies into the rock wall and hits the ground dead. Sylvia wakes and says, “What the heck happened?!” Then Buck runs over to Sid, checks
his pulse then says, “He’s still alive, but I doubt he’ll live.” Then a person walks in and he sees what happened to Sid, and says, “Don’t worry, I’ll go get help.”
Then a few minutes later a few people come in and they put Sid on a stretcher, Scratte, Peaches and Sylvia follow them and get in the ambulance with Sid. A few
hours later, the others show up at Sid’s room in the hospital. Sylvia is holdind Sid’s hand, while the doctor tells her, “Do you want to wait in the hallway while I
talk to the others?” Then she says, “Sure,” and she walks out into the hallway and the doctor tells the others, “I can save him, but I’m not sure if he’ll survive the
surguries, they could kill him, if the injuries don’t first.” Then Scratte, Peaches and the baby dinos start to cry when they hear the bad news about their friend, that
they have know for years. The doctor walks to tell Sylvia the news and she comes in crying, then she says, “I don’t want Sid to die, I am pregnant with Sid’s kids.
I want them to grow up with their father,” then the others all gasp when she says that. After a while of sleeping, Sid wakes up and except for the pale skin, Sid is
pretty much healthy. After a while Sylvia is bored and Sid asks her to sing, so she starts singing, “Homeless Heart”
Lonesome stranger
With a crowd around you
I see who you are
You joke, they laugh
Til the show is over
Then you fall so hard
If you're needing
A soul-to-soul connection
I'll run to your side
When you're lost in the dark
When you're out in the cold
When you're looking for something that resembles your soul
When the wind blows your house of cards
I'll be a home to your homeless heart
Open close me
Leave your secrets with me
I can ease your pain
And my arms will be
Just like walls around you
Come in from the rain
If you're running
In the wrong direction
I will lead you back
When you're lost in the dark
When you're out in the cold
When you're looking for something that resembles your soul
When the wind blows your house of cards
I'll be a home to your homeless heart
Shattered like a mirror
In a million pieces
Sooner or later
You've got to find
Something someone
To find you and save you
When you're lost in the dark
When you're out in the cold
When you're looking for something that resembles your soul
When the wind blows your house of cards
I'll be a home to your homeless heart
When you're looking for something that resembles your soul
When the wind blows your house of cards
I'll be a home to your homeless heart
I'll be a home to your homeless heart
Then Sid says to her, “Good night, Sylvia” Then he falls asleep, and the next day he is very healthy and his fur is a brighter yellow than usual. Sylvia says, “Is it
just me or is your fur brighter than before?” Then Sid says, “It is brighter than before we end up here, that must mean I’m getting better.” Then doctor walks in
and tells them, “You’ll guys, we have to start the surgery on him, to close his stomach.” Then he puts Sid on a stretcher where he takes Sid to a room, where he
closes the door, and precedes to start the surgery. Meanwhile in Sid’s room, Buck reassures Sylvia by saying, “Sid is one of the toughest animals I’ve seen,
when it comes to getting hurt, he can make it through this too, he’s going to be fine.” Then Sylvia smiles, and few hours later the doctor tells the gang, “Sid made
it through the surgery, and he’s just fine, there is no damage at all to his organs.” Then all the girls start cherring when they hear the good news, then the doctor
tells them, “But he is still asleep, it will be atleast another hour before he wakes up.” After an hour goes by, Sylvia, Scratte and Peaches run to Sid’s room, but
on the way down, Sylvia goes into labor, and a nurse takes her to a nursery where she can be heard screaming and moaning, meanwhile Scratte and Peaches
head into Sid’s room, where he asks, “Uh, where’s Sylvia?” Then Peaches answers, “She’s having the kids right now, it’s going to be a while before you see
her, okay Sid.” Then Sid says, “Okay.” The Nurse walks into Sid’s room and says, “Sylvia gave birth to two healthy kids, one boy and one girl.” That makes
Sid and his friends very happy when they find out. After awhile Sylvia walks into the room and says, “Here’s our kids, Baby.” Then Sid starts smiling when
Sylvia says that. She comes over to Sid and hugs him, then she gets in the bed with him and they fall asleep. Buck tells everyone, excluding Scrat and Scratte,
“Scrat has mated with Scratte and she might be expecting kids.” The others are suprised at the news, then Buck says, “But don’t tell them that I told you or they’ll
be very mad at me.” The nurse brings in two bottles of milk for Sylvia’s kids and tells her, “Make sure that your kids drink this, it will build up their strength.”
Sylvia says, “I will.” Then the nurse walks out of the room, leaving Sylvia to feed her kids. Sid wakes up and sees Sylvia feeding the kids, then he falls back
asleep. A few hours later the rest of the gang walks in to the room and they see the kids, Scratte walks up to them to get a good look at them. Then she goes
over to the chair in the room and falls asleep in the chair, Buck and Scrat join her too. The Baby Dinos and Peaches fall asleep next to them on the floor, and
Momma looks in to see how they are doing, then she pulls her head out the window and falls asleep. After awhile Manny, Ellie, Crash, Eddie and Diego fall
asleep too. The next day, the doctor is in the room, and asks them, “If you guys are from the ice age, then how are you going to get back?” Then Buck says, “I
wish I knew.” They hear the guanlong screech from the outside of the room, the doctor hands Scratte a pistol and shows her how to use it. Then her and Buck
run out there, where Buck throws his knife at the guanlong and hurts it’s leg. Scratte starts shooting at the guanlong, Buck tells her, “Shoot for the neck!” She
aims for the neck, and the guanlong tries to dodge the bullets, but it can’t. After a few minutes of shooting, the guanlong drops dead and the gun is out of ammo.
Buck pulls his knife out of it’s leg and they head back to Sid’s room, where Scratte sits the gun down on a desk and Buck says in a relieved, but tired voice,
“The guanlong is dead.” Then Buck and Scratte head over to the chair, where they fall asleep. Peaches says, “So it’s finally dead, only if we could get back to the
ice age.” Then they fall asleep, late the next day Sid is the first one to wake up and he sees the others are still sleeping, so he goes back a sleep. Later Scratte
wakes up and after a while the others start to wake up, ending with Sid, who kissses Sylvia after he wakes up.
Chapter 3: Bad News and Epilogue[]
The doctor walks in and says, “Sid, we have to run a few tests on you, to be sure that your actaully fine, before you can leave, Okay?” Then he walks out of the
room with the doctor. A few hours later the doctor walks in and Sid is teary eyed, then the doctor says, “I have bad news everybody, Sid has damage to his
stomach and he has to have surgery again to fix the damage to it.” Then Sylvia and Scratte gets upset and they start to cry when they hear that, then Sid walks
back to the surgery room, where they put him asleep and start to perform the surgery on his stomach. Then Sylvia still crying says, “I hoping that Sid makes it
through this surgery like the last one, I don’t want to lose him” Then Scratte walks over to Sylvia and wipes her eyes with a tissue, then Peaches says, “How
much trouble are we going to have before Sid is perfectly healed.” A few hours later, the doctor walks and says, “I’m certain that he’s as healthy as an ox and
he isn’t going to die.” Then the girls start cheering at the good news, then the Sub-Zero heroes run to Sid’s room, but the nurse stops them at the door and tells
them, “He’s still sleeping, you should wait about twenty more minutes, is that fine?” Then Sylvia says, “Yes, that’s fine.” Twenty minutes goes by and they head
in where Sid is away now, but he is kind of pale, but not as much as last time. Then Sylvia says, “Oh Sid, I so glad that your perfectly fine, baby.” Then they hug,
and kiss, then Sylvia says, “I Love You Sid.” Then his face starts to turn red instead of white, when he hears that. Then after a few hours, his fur starts to get a
bright yellow again. Then the doctor gives Scratte a bag that has a bunch ammo in it and another gun, and ammo for that to. Then the doctor says, “Use this gun,
called an Micro-Uzi if you every run into a guanlong or other dinosaurs again. There’s ammo in the bag for it to, just use the long bars instead of the short ones.
That is if you can find another way back.” Then Scrat starts digging into the bag and he finds his acorn and a time machine, similar to the one he had in ”No Time for
Nuts.” Then they turn to Sid who is staring at them, then the doctor says, “It’s going to be at least another day for two before Sid can get up and walk again.” So
for the night, everybody falls asleep. Scratte kisses Scrat then they fall asleep in the bed with Sid, and Buck says, “You guys don’t have to worry, the guanlongs
are dead.” The next morning, Sid is the last one to wake up and he says, “Did I sleep in?” Then he turns to the doctor and says, “I’m sure that I can walk now.
Is it fine if I try.” Then he says, “Yes.” Then Sid tries to get up, but he just falls back into the bed, then his face starts to turn pale again. Sylvia starts to get worried,
then Sid says in a weak, getting weaker voice, “Sylvia, take good care of out kids. I Lo... I Lo... I Lo... I Lo... I Lo... I Lo... I Lo... I Lo... I Love You..." Then he
collapses in the bed, Buck runs up to Sid and checks his pulse, then sadly says, “He’s gone...” Then the whole gang starts to cry, then Momma peaks in the window
and crying, Peaches tells her, “Momma, Sid is dead.” Then she’s starts to cry, the doctor walks in and asks, “Guys, what’s wrong.” Then he sees that Sid has died
he walks out of the room, to leave them alone for awhile, They decided to gather to their stuff up, including Sid, and they all head outside and get close together where Rudy befriends Momma, and they use Scrat’s time machine and they head back to the ice age. In Snow Valley, the Sub-Zero heroes including Momma
and Rudy, are standing at the grave of Sid, where Sylvia starts crying and she runs into her cave. Then the others set flowers on Sid’s grave, and they walk away crying. Scratte is the last one to leave because she cared about Sid more then any of them, she leaves when Buck comes over to her and hugs her, then she
comes with him and Scrat. After a few weeks, Scratte’s stomach starts to get, big since she is pregnant with Scrat’s kids. Near the end, Rudy heads down into
the dino world. A few hours later, he returns with a female suchimimus, named Flood. Five weeks later, Scratte has given birth to two kids, and she names them Scart and Scarrette. Sylvia and Scratte alone in the cave, taking care of the kids who Sylvia has names the boy Sid (after his father) and the girl Sydney (after her father). Peaches and Buck walk into the cave and they say, “Congratulations, we’re so glad that your kids are healthy.” Outside the cave Manny and Ellie see a cloud that resembles Sid, staring at them and Ellie says, “I guess Sid will always be watching us. Even after his death.” The last shot was a picture of Sid and
Sylvia together before the beginning of the story. Then the screen fades back. In the end credits Several images of Sid are shown and the song “Missing” by
Evanescence plays.
Can you stop the fire?
Can you stand to fight her?
You cant stop the fire,
you wont say the words.
Please, please forgive me,
But I won't be home again.
Maybe someday you’ll look up,
And, barely conscious, you’ll say to no one:
“Isn’t something missing?”
You won’t cry for my absence, I know -
You forgot me long ago.
Am I that unimportant...?
Am I so insignificant...?
Isn’t something missing?
Isn’t someone missing me?
Even though I’m the sacrifice,
You won’t try for me, not now.
Though I'd die to know you love me,
I’m all alone.
Isn’st someone missing me?
Can you stop the fire?
Can you stand to fight her?
You cant stop the fire,
you wont say the words.
Please, please forgive me,
But I won't be home again.
I know what you do to yourself,
I breathe deep and cry out:
“Isn’t something missing?
Isn’t someone missing me?”
Even though I’m the sacrifice,
You won't try for me, not now.
Though I’d die to know you love me,
I’m all alone.
Isn’t someone missing me?
And if I bleed, I’ll bleed,
Knowing you don’t care.
And if I sleep just to dream of you
I’ll wake without you there,
Isn’t something missing?
Isn’t something.......
Even though I’m the sacrifice,
You won’t try for me, not now.
Though I’d die to know you love me,
I’m all alone.
Isn’t something missing?
Isn’t someone missing me?
Can you stop the fire?
Can you stand to fight her?
You can’t stop the fire,
you won’t say the words.
Main Cast[] |
- Scratte - voiced by Karen Disher, she is the supporting character of the film, she gives birth to her kids in this film.
- Sid - voiced by John Leguizamo, he is married to Sylvia in this film, he dies near the end, due to having his stomach split open by a Guanlong.
- Sylvia - voiced by Kristen Johnson, she is married to Sid in this film, she gives birth to their kids, shortly before Sid dies.
- Ellie - voiced by Queen Latifah.
- Peaches - voiced by Jennette McCurdy, she is a teenager in the film and was a good friend of Sid and Scratte.
- Buck - voiced by Simon Pegg.
- Scrat - voiced by Chris Wedge.
- Shelly, Egbert and Yoko - voiced by Marit Larsen and Carlos Saldanha they are teenagers in this film.
- Manny - voiced by Ray Romano, he is the main character of the film.
- Rudy and Momma - voiced by Frank Welker, they become friends in this film. The guanlongs in the film, were also voiced by Frank Welker.
- Diego - voiced by Denis Leary.
- Humans - voiced by Karen Disher, Jane Krakowski, Chris Wedge, Carlos Saldanha, Frank Welker and Tim Abell
A fanfiction called "The Land Before Time/Ice Age crossover" has been recently announced and it is about the The Gang of Five and The Sub-Zero Heroes meeting each other. Sid will not be reappering in it, since he died of his injuries in Ice Age 4. It is currently unknown if Sylvia and her kids will reapper, due to Sid's death. Several other sequels will be released after this one that will exclude Sid and Flood will possibly appear and find romance with Rudy. Sylvia and her children have been confirmed to reapper in The Land Before Time/Ice Age crossover. Scratte's kids, Scart and Scarrette will also be reappearing in The Land Before Time/Ice Age crossover and possibly other sequels, once they are written.
Several prequels have been released after this one, including Ice Age: The Time Kids, Ice Age: Th4w, Ice Age: The Night After and Ice Age 4: The Baby Dinos. An official prequel might be written but as of right now, it is just rumored. I will announce it is this section, once it is official.
Peaches new Look[]
In Ice Age 4 and The Land Before Time/Ice Age crossover, Peaches and the Baby Dinos are teenagers. Peaches is voiced by Jennette McCurdy, Shelly is voiced by, Marit Larsen, Egbert and Yoko are voiced again by Carlos Saldanha.
Here is a picture of Teenage Peaches
Review Page[]
- Main article: Ice age 4